How to raise money for Lyme disease research without giving anything!

You can now raise money for desperately needed Lyme disease research without actually donating a penny. All you have to do is some online shopping!

  1. Go to the Caudwell LymeCo page.

  2. Sign up as a Caudwell LymeCo Charity supporter.

  3. Download the Easyfundraising browser button, so you remember to go to your shopping websites VIA the easyfundraising site.

  4. The websites you shop from will donate to Caudwell LymeCo to raise money for Lyme disease research. 

I won’t cost you a penny!

There are hundreds of websites which make charity donations if you click through to them via Easyfundraising.

There are special DOUBLE DONATIONS for Halloween, until 29th October. So you can sign up now to win extra donations.

Posted in Blog posts, Charity news.

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