If you have been bitten by a tick and think you may have developed the tell-tale rash that comes with Lyme disease, this can be a worrying time.
With the rise of virtual GP appointments, it seems that doctors are increasingly relying on photos from patients in order to make their diagnosis of rashes.
The erythema migrans (EM) – or bull’s eye rash – that develops for some Lyme disease sufferers has some important characteristics that need to be considered in order to be correctly identified, and this is extremely hard to do from a photo.
How you can help your doctor and work towards a correct diagnosis
To make the most out of your appointment with your GP and to make sure you give them the relevant information, we’ve created a FREE downloadable resource for patients.
It tells you the key information you need to know about the EM rash (including the fact that it doesn’t always appear like a clear and distinct bull’s eye – a common misconception even among doctors!), along with some questions you might expect from your GP to help ascertain the cause of your mark.
This will allow you to prepare for the conversation and have the correct information to hand to offer your doctor.
We hope this helps your and your GP in getting the correct diagnosis and treatment.Download the FREE EM rash resource here
Please bear in mind that the EM rash is diagnostic of Lyme disease, and you should be treated on this basis alone WITHOUT blood testing.
For more information on this, and to check that you’re given the correct treatment, read about the NICE Guideline here.