As part of our partnership with Kidunk Clothing and in response to the growth of young children and families spending more time outdoors, together we’ve created a fab new resource on tick awareness to help children, parents, carers and teachers be better prepared and better aware of Lyme disease.
The resource has been designed with input from children so it can appeal to a young audience, but will help give parents and carers the key facts to be prepared for the outdoors too.
It has bite-size chunks of information on Lyme disease and ticks, and some top tips for avoiding ticks.
The ‘Tick Detectives’ fact sheet is available to download from both the Caudwell LymeCo and Kidunk websites. It will also be sent digitally to over 10,000 nursery settings, carers and parents in July & August 2020.
Ultimately, it is intended the resource will be printed and provided free to schools and outdoor centres across the UK. It would also be suitable for Beavers and Cubs groups.
Please feel free to download, share, and give us your feedback at lymecocharity@caudwell.com.
Download the resource here, or click on the image below.